"Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology or the telescope is for astronomy.”
- Stanislav Grof

Psychedelic medicines and other forms of non-ordinary states of consciousness have been used throughout history around the world. Indigenous cultures and lineages of teachings have paved the way for the widespread practices of a variety of visionary substances and experiences. It is important to remember with respect and reverence the rich and diverse cultural history of these medicine traditions as we explore psychedelic therapy in contemporary times.
Western science is just starting to catch up with what these cultures have known for generations – that non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC) has the power to heal and transform one’s life – psychologically and spiritually. Psychedelics provide an opportunity to experience higher levels of consciousness, and thus connect to life in a different way. Relating to yourself, others, and the world in different ways can be the portal to alleviating suffering in your life.

When psychedelics are used with reverence, respect, and the appropriate preparation and integration support, research shows that profound healing can occur.
From the healing of trauma, depression, anxiety, and to addictions, the use of psychedelics can be a catalyst for revolutionary change to simultaneously release and transcend the pains of our past.
However, the lack of preparation, integration, or safe use of these substances can be incredibly dysregulating and disorienting to the body, mind, heart, and psyche.
Therefore, the path of psychedelic integration is deeply profound and quite necessary for full transformation and embodied healing.
While many psychedelic substances are still illegal, I understand the power these medicines and sacred guides can be, and know that people will engage with them despite their legal status.
With this in mind, I wholeheartedly and nonjudgmentally support a person’s right to their own autonomy and sovereign choices to utilize these substances at their own discretion.
Which is why I offer short term Psychedelic Preparation and Integration therapy to assist individuals throughout their psychedelic journey.

What is...
Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Therapy?
A non-judgmental space to support individuals seeking to or already have experienced psychedelic experiences
An opportunity to set intentions and explore your “why(s)” for your journey
Learn specific self-care practices for mental, emotional, and somatic regulation that can be helpful before, during, and after your journey
Explore the different insights or experiences that may have come up on your journey
Provide support in understanding and moving through some of the difficult and potentially traumatic material that may have arisen during your psychedelic experience
Discover ways to integrate those key learnings into your daily life after the ceremony ends for true lasting change

Packages & Pricing:
The first half of these sessions will be pre-integration sessions.
Then you will embark on your psychedelic journey. (Please Note: I will not present with you during your journey and the medicine will not be procured by me). The second half of your sessions
will be for post-integration.

Before booking your package,
When seeking psychedelic integration services, please know that no part of our therapeutic work together consists of taking of any psychoactive, plant medicine, or illicit substances during sessions. Most psychedelics are still considered Schedule 1 substances, and therefore, remain illegal outside of research settings. I do not under any circumstances provide, procure, or administer illegal psychedelic substances to clients. Additionally, I do not refer any clients to any “underground” or illegal psychedelic services. I do not recommend or encourage anyone to consume any medicines of unknown origin or quality, for they may have disastrous effects to one’s body, mind, heart, and spirit.