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I wanted to share with you today a bit about Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras: How to Create a Life of Inner Freedom and Transform Trauma in 90 days.
I originally created this program because I have experienced great healing from a bunch of different modalities… yoga, mindfulness, trauma therapy, nervous system regulation and Brené Brown’s Rising Strong™ Process.
What I really want to share with you is what the transformation looked like for me going through this program and how I believe it can support your own healing and growth.
There are three pillars to Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras.
The first is Compassionate Curiosity.
How many of you have ever done any personal work and through some self-reflection and curiosity you discover specific patterns in your thoughts, feelings, and / or behaviors?
You learn something about your family, your relationships, or you learn something about yourself... and then all of a sudden you start judging yourself EVEN MORE than you already did?
You may think, "Oh, I should have known better." "I should have done this differently." "I should have done that differently."
The missing key ingredient when diving into the world of self-curiosity is COMPASSION.
How can you be more kind, understanding, and gracious toward yourself throughout your journey of self-discovery?
The second pillar is Radical Integrity.
Let's unpack these two words for a moment...
Radical comes from the word "rad," meaning "root".
The intention here is that we go to the root of our struggle, we go to the root our hurt, we go to the root of our pain. We go to the root of the different places where we get stuck, and feel out of alignment.
Brené Brown defines integrity as
"Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them".
This program helps us uncover the various ways we get out of alignment
with our relationships
with ourselves
with others
with the world
with our thoughts
with our behaviors
with our emotions
The question is... how do we know when we are out of alignment?
That brings us to the third pillar of Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras - Nervous System Regulation.
Now, as a trauma therapist, I find it necessary to get compassionately curious about the wisdom and insight of our nervous system.
Our various thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and behaviors are all intimately connected to one another as our survival response patterns. Our patterns may be trauma responses that are often well-intended and trying to keep us safe from perceived dangers. However, these past survival responses may no longer serve us and may be out of alignment with our radical integrity.
In Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras we apply Brené Brown’s Rising Strong™ Process to the seven different emotions and relationships associated with the chakras.
In addition to Brené Brown’s Rising Strong™ Process -- the Reckoning, the Rumble, and the Revolution -- throughout these 90 days, there will be practices for your
body, mind, heart, and spirit.
I have found that in the deepest and most profound healing requires an integrated and holistic approach.
If we are exploring patterns of the mind, but we're not exploring emotions or the sensations of the body... then that approach, in my humble opinion, is incomplete. Any approach to healing or wellness without honoring all four parts of the self, I truly feel is incomplete in one way or another.
Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras is a holistic approach that honors the wisdom of all parts of yourself.
It's a place where you get to experience:
Compassionate Curiosity
What are those old narratives, shame tapes, or limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and feeling small?
Radical Integrity
How do you really uncover what's getting in the way of you living your "why", passion, or purpose?
Nervous System Regulation
A trauma-informed approach that helps you discover the inner wisdom of your body, mind, heart, and spirit.
I would love to share this program with you! It saved my life. And I hope it may serve you and help you heal trauma and create a life of inner freedom.
The next 90-day program is going to launch at the end of this summer.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out.
