Weaving together ancient Chakra Yoga Theory and Dr. Brené Brown’s Rising Strong™ curriculum, to provide you with the wholehearted blueprint to help you RECKON with relationships, RUMBLE with emotions, and inspire you to create a REVOLUTION within your life!
The Rising Strong™ process focuses on the simple physics of vulnerability:
“If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall”
–Brené Brown

It is designed to be your anchor as you navigate the ebbs and flows of your life, to be the support you need to explore the various patterns in your life that no longer feel in alignment with your integrity, and to be your guide as you learn how to call on your courage and approach life with a resilient and whole heart.

For as long as I can remember, I have been navigating the space between two worlds.
Do you ever feel this way?
The world of the SACRED – filled with – the Spiritual, the Mystical, and the Magical practices and philosophies of Yoga and other Eastern spiritual traditions.
The world of the SHADOW – filled with – the unconscious, fueled by numbing, disengagement, and sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.
I remember being a little girl and looking at Playboy magazines. Now, they weren’t just lying around the house on the coffee table or anything, but I knew which closet they were hiding in.
I remember looking at the images of the women in those magazines thinking:
“that is what a woman ‘SHOULD’ look like”
“this what a woman ‘SHOULD’ do to be loved”
Without really knowing it at the time, my own little psyche was being trained to believe that a woman’s worth was dependent upon her body, her sexuality, her desirability, and her ability to please partners sexually.

This belief ended up leading me to prioritize
“being thin”
“being sexy”
“being desirable”
“being cool”
“being liked”
“being fun”

I believed that I was not worthy of love UNLESS I was thin, sexy, desirable, cool, liked, and fun. I had unconsciously placed my value and worth on my physical appearance. I was sexually objectifying myself because that’s what I thought would bring me love. I didn’t know that people ought to earn the right to share intimate space with me and my body.
These beliefs led to a multi-decade battle with bulimia, body dysmorphia, addiction, low self-worth, and internalized shame.
This was me, in 2002, just before a Phish show in Pennsylvania.
Full of love and light, right?!
Well, yes and no.
I developed a really stellar protective strategy of pretending that everything was okay on the outside. I had turned to sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll to cope, numb, and distract the pain, trauma, and betrayal that I had been avoiding.
I thought I was turning the weapons of my oppression and turning them into the tools of my liberations. But...
Without consciously knowing it, I had prioritized these qualities of being – thin, sexy, desirable, cool, liked, and fun – over living a life rooted in my own integrity.
I honestly had NO IDEA what "integrity" meant until I read Dr. Brené Brown’s definition of it:
“Choosing courage over comfort; Choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them”
Around the same time as I was playing out these numbing and avoidant patterns,
I was diving more fully into the sacred arts of yoga and mindfulness practices.
I truly believe that yoga and spiritual practices quite literally saved my life!
In 2004, I had the honor of studying abroad in Tibet, where I dove deep into the sacred practices of Tibetan Buddhism.
I was being exposed to another culture that was rooted in spirituality and not hyper-focused on sex, drugs, or body size.
I was having my worldview expanded from the wounded one that I had been limited to back stateside.

Around this same time as I was playing out these numbing and avoidant patterns,
I was diving more fully into the sacred arts of yoga and mindfulness practices.
I truly believe that yoga and spiritual practices quite literally saved my life!
In 2004, I had the honor of studying abroad in Tibet, where I dove deep into the practices of Tibetan Buddhism.
I was being exposed to another culture that was rooted in spirituality and not hyper-focused on sex, drugs, or body size.
I was having my worldview expanded from the wounded one that I had been limited to back stateside.

Some of the next most profound moments in my healing journey were when I first started diving into Dr. Brené Brown’s work while I was embarking on my doctorate in Counseling and Counselor Education. When I was reading her books, I felt as if she was writing directly to me.
The way she described shame and worthiness, it felt like I finally had words to describe some of my lived experiences. I knew I wanted to incorporate her teachings into my work, so I can help others heal in a similar way that I was experiencing. So I went through her training program with The Daring Way™.
As I was diving more and more into her programs, I circled back to the memory of deep healing I experienced with Chakra Yoga and began to wonder...
What if I applied Brené’s Rising Strong™ Process to each of the chakras and the different relationships associated with them?
I knew I was passionate about addressing healing from the inside out.
Exploring how trauma, pain, and suffering affects our body, mind, heart, and spirit.
Thus, Rising Strong™ Through the Chakras: How to Transform Trauma and Create a Life of Inner Freedom was born.

Rising Strong

The RECKONING: Walking into Our Story
Recognize emotion, and get curious about our feelings and how they connect with the way we think and behave.
The RUMBLE: Owning Our Story
Get honest about the stories we’re making up about our struggle, then challenge these confabulations and assumptions to determine what is truth, what is self-protection, and what needs to change if we want to lead more wholehearted lives.
The REVOLUTION: Process Becomes Practice
Write a new ending to our story based on the key learnings from our rumble and use this new, braver story to change how we engage with the world and to ultimately transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

Provide a trauma-informed approach to discovering your own survival patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in the past
Assist you in healing different relationships in your life — with yourself, others, and the world
Help you explore where you get “emotionally hooked” in the various relationships in your life
Offer you a blueprint – full of tools and exercises for your body, mind, heart, and spirit – to support a more resilient, wholehearted, and satisfying life
Encourage you to own your stories of struggle so you can write new daring endings!

Do you want to heal relationships with yourself, others, or the world?
Do you find yourself feeling stuck in particular ways of thinking, feeling, or behaviors?
Do you find yourself out of alignment with your integrity?
Do you feel willing and ready to find new ways of engaging in relationships because those old patterns are no longer serving you?

Throughout this course, we will explore the chakras in sequential order - from the root to the crown.
With each chakra, we will dive deep into specific "rumble" topics from Brené Brown’s Rising Strong™ process.
Together we will work through 8 Modules - one for each Chakra - that include access to exclusive content created specifically for this course.

Practices for the four parts of you body, mind, heart, and spirit.
BODY: Yoga + Mindful Movement - Simple sequences of gentle movements associated with each chakra to help you connect to the wisdom of your body
MIND: Meditation - Guided practices to connect you to each chakra
HEART: Workbooks aka "Heartbooks" - In-depth handouts on Chakra Yoga Theory and Brené Brown's Rising Strong™ Process specifically designed for each chakra
SPIRIT: Guided breathing exercises to support your ability to regulate your nervous system

8 videos of guided breathing practices associated with each chakra
8 videos of guided meditation practices associated with each chakra
8 videos of guided mindful movement practices with curated playlists associated with each chakra
8 in-depth workbook handouts to support your process
8 videos to guide you through the chakra breakdown and Rising Strong™ process for each relationship associated with each chakra
8 Self-Reflection questionnaires to help you reflect and integrate the material on a deeper level, supporting this work getting into your bones
Lifetime access to ALL PDFs
20 hours of Continuing Education for Registered Yoga Teachers
*Please Note: This offering is not a certification in Dr. Brené Brown's The Daring Way™ Program

Module 1 - Vulnerability
Module 2 - Anxiety + Hurt
Module 3 - Values
Module 4 - Shame
Module 5 - Grief + Forgiveness
Module 6 - Trust
Module 7 - Criticism
Module 8 - Living BIG
(Boundaries, Integrity, Generosity)

Are you ready to embark on this journey of a lifetime?
Choose the payment option below that works best for you.
All tiers provide you with the same access to the course.

Are you interested in the program, but struggling
with the financial commitment?
I hear you.
Doing this type of self-work is a commitment of time, energy, and financial resources. I believe in pricing transparency. Below is a breakdown of some of the pricing to help you better understand the value of this program.
What's Included:
(8) Guided Mindful Movement practices = drop-in yoga classes can range from $15-25 / per class = $120-200
(16) Guided Meditation and Breathwork practices = consider $12/month for some meditation apps
Traditional Rising Strong™ program (not including any trauma-informed or chakra guidance) ranges from $500-1200
Total Ranges from $1692 - $2472
All of this AND more is yours for $777